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Rooted Desires

Writer: Major TomMajor Tom

After seeing how people enjoyed my Journey Into Ethical Hedonism, I decided to give that to more people.

Join me for a sex-positive Authentic Relating Night where you will be asked to discuss parts of yourself that may invoke inner ecstasy, joy, and arousal. Connect to people from around the world for a deeply connective and supportive experience. RootedDesire is an authentic related themed night that allows us to dive deep into our desires and explore how there can be healing in them.

I created this for the Shadows and Light festival, Participants really enjoyed it. I wanted to invite you on this journey into ethical hedonism. Find out how your journey in life informs your deep-rooted desires. This game night will allow you to explore how saying yes to yourself can alchemize your desires.

What is Authentic Relating?

Revealing what is there. A Games Night is a night full of structured social interactions that make communication easier by defining the form that we are going to connect in.

Please Arrive on time, this is not a drop-in experience.

Bring your full self! Please arrive being available for connections and diving into about desires.

I look forward to connecting with you all!



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